Leaders Intent

Leaders Intent Episode 1 - Natural Born Leaders

January 08, 2023 ronnie Season 1 Episode 1

Our topic for Episode 1 is “Natural Born Leaders?” – Is leadership learned or are you born with it.   Some would call this Nature versus Nurture.   This is probably one of the most asked leadership questions of all time.  In fact, William Shakespeare said “Some leaders are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”.   
What are the key characteristics, personality traits, and other intangibles of a great leader?

On the opposite side of the spectrum – Vince Lombardi said “ Leaders aren’t born, they’re made just like anything else, through hard work.”

So how does someone become a leader?  Listen in to Episode one as host Ronnie Stephens talks with Bill Fournet, CEO and founder of the Persimmon Group to discuss these topics and more.

We would love to hear your feedback or any questions you might have.

Thanks for listening!

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